Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Carpooling Granola - opp. for FREE product

We are somewhat forlorn about the state of transportation of goods and people in our society. Gasoline, emissions, concrete over forest, field and wetland... it's too much!

However, this is the reality of travel and transport, so we'd like to work within that system to create positive alternatives.

We are seeking a carpool situation for our granola deliveries! If you are headed somewhat regularly to BRATTLEBORO, WHITE RIVER JCT., ESSEX, BURLINGTON or SMUGGLER'S NOTCH, we have an opportunity for you.

If you would willing to drop off a box of wholesale Nutty Steph's to an address in these towns, we will offer you $12.00 of granola or chocolate products from our shop.

It's simple if you're already headed that way -- When we have a delivery that needs to go to these towns, I will call you and let you know. Then you just swing by our shop at Camp Meade, come in the side door, and your box and whatever treats you request will be waiting for you.

Interested? Email sales@nuttystephs.com with your name, phone and email address and I'll put you on the list.

Nutty Steph's at the Inauguration!

Linda Purdy can't leave home without her Nutty Steph's. Pictured here you can see her devices for channeling the warmth of Vermont's homemade goodies and woodstove comfort to stay warm in the chilly crowd of 1.8 million happy people on the mall in DC.

She enthusiastically wrote to us, "Thanks for the granola. Happy 44th Presidency!"

Nutty Steph's wishes you HOPE, everyone...
